About Us
We are Eleven 11 Recovery
Welcome to Eleven 11 Recovery. Your freedom from addiction begins here. We are seasoned recovery professionals, and we know what it means to be an addict caught up in the disease of addiction. You are not alone! We understand you because each of us has dealt with addiction in one capacity or another. Some of us were former addicts, now in recovery. Some of us are expert counselors and have helped many in putting their addiction in a remissive state and all of us are here to help you get control of your life back. In fact, that was why our company was born. With the idea of helping as many addicts in active addiction as we can because we know what it’s like. We are here to help. So, if you are in an active state of addiction and need help, or if you have gone through detox and are in the process of recovering and need some more counseling and stability, call us or contact us today. We are here for you every step, each day. We are Eleven 11 Recovery, and our mission is to help you get sober and get your life back.

Co-Founder/ Program Director: Michael Jordan